Monday, July 14, 2008

Ready, Set, Go...Go...Go...

as my almost perfect niece Sara would say (hey - you gotta allow for Jesus when you're talking perfection!!!)!!!!

It has been craziness the last week or so - but at least I have something to show for it!!! I have beautiful new windows - the inside of the windows is all wood, and is currently naked - but a painter can fix that!! The French doors are beautiful - and they didn't crack the plaster, not one bit getting them in!!!! The custom router/mill work on the interior window frame is amazing - it is so close to the original woodwork....I couldn't be happier!!!

My front door is beautiful - though it has a cheesy handle/lock right now - they sent the wrong 'guts' to the handle that I - the door locks and that's what matters. The storm doors and back door are OK too....but that front door, it's dynamite!

So...this morning as we were leaving the homestead the guys were back working on the garage gutter/soffits - yeah, should have been done when the house was....but, yours truly neglected to contract for it - and therefore, it didn't get done!!!! So, better late than never - and as my brother pointed out to me - he (nor I) can really remember gutters being on the garage - ever!

Now - I'm in the Windy City - actually in a suburb thereof....waiting to fly out tomorrow evening, direct flight to Copenhagen - there for 3 days and then set sail on Saturday!!!! I can't believe that all the pieces have fallen together and I'm actually going to do this!!!! I am so, so, so looking forward to this trip!!!

When you have to tote around all this crazy medical gear there is just no such thing as 'traveling light' - as my sister would say, it's a very 'high maintenance' operation! The real dilemma is the weather - the 'highs' this time of year in all the places we're traveling to is 65-75, so you gotta dress in layers....and then there are always those 'outlier' days when it might be 80 or another where it could get all the way up to 50 - there's no clear cut solution, say like you'd have in the Caribbean!

So, right now we're kinda biding our time - I'm excited about this trip, but already know it will be good to come home to family and friends!

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Fireworks, Symphony Music, and Naps.....

This long holiday weekend, for the first time in I can't remember how long I've been alone - I mean sans anyone else in the house with me, and an empty house next is scarily quiet and I don't think I want a steady diet of it!

My sister and her family left for Pennsylvania (with both of her in-laws too) on Thursday afternoon - and Amy, Rob, and Sara are likely somewhere in eastern Ohio on their way home (if all went according to plan, which can be a wild card!) sisters FIL will be returning the day before I leave on my big vacation.

So - what to do with all this solitude....!!!??? Friday I celebrated the Fourth in true red, white and blue fashion at Connor Prairie and Symphony on the Prairie with a purely patriotic repertoire, it was great. Dinner was furnished (even better!) - complete with fried chicken and apple pie!!! I had a great time, a relaxing evening with great friends and music - it was cool but not cold and slightly overcast, so we didn't get blinded by that western sun - the way you look to be facing the orchestra!

Yesterday was errands...all vacation related!! Got some new spiffy red luggage - do you know how many people have blue and black luggage (including me?!?!?), so hopefully my new pieces will stand out a little more at the Copenhagen airport in little more than a week! Then I went to Borders and got some more travel books - the ones I got early this winter were pretty generic, this time I knew better what I was aiming at - now that I have some itineraries for tours and such - also picked up a Sue Grafton paperback for an 'easy read' book, and am taking The Reason For God - Questions in an Age of Skepticism. Brenners luggage was a stop - luggage tags and TSA approved locks, also got a Baggalini tote bag (my aunt in Chicago got one for Christmas to take on the trip and showed it to me...lightweight and nylon and folds into a pouch that's about 4"x4"), and a new travel umbrella that I've needed for some time, this just feels like the best excuse to get one!!! Then, what is a shopping outing without a stop at Target - needed some household essentials (I never like to have less than 4 rolls of tp!!!), travel Scrabble for the plane ride and ship, and some hygiene items for the trip.

Today has been a strictly at home day - and boy is it quiet - have I mentioned I wouldn't want a steady diet of this....???!!! Laundry going and started taking a serious inventory of the clothes I have for the big trip....and I'm not sure but I think I've got everything I need, and then some!!! AND....BONUS...I took a nap today - had a headache, took some Aleve, and slept for an hour and a half, now I feel great!

Need to pick up my favorite red cocktail dress from the dry cleaners, to take for one of the formal nights, and call the oxygen company to come fix my at home concentrator tomorrow. Tomorrow is also the big beginning of the new window installation - I'm not sure if I'm really ready for this, but I certainly am ready to get it done. They are also suppose to come the first of this week and do the guttering/downspouts/soffits on the garage....forgot to contract for that when I did the house.

So the deafening silence will be broken - and I'm good with that....miss that bundle of energy known as my two year old niece!!! And though it has been an odd July 4 holiday, since no time was spent at the lake this year (construction has begun!!!), it has been a good holiday, if not a little too quiet...have I mentioned how quiet it's been????