Thursday, March 10, 2011

Seventy five years ago today, my mother was born. It will be six years in May since she died and left this earth.

Now, the good news is, my belief system is such that I believe that her loving spirit is still very much alive, and is in some ways more "present" than ever. The "bad" news is that she not HERE with ME and my siblings, and all who considered Mom friend and family.

I think about her everyday - first thing in the morning as I prepare my coffee and add in the flavored creamer, Mom informed me I liked a little coffee with my cream and sugar! When I look out my windows and see all the birds, especially the regal cardinal, I'm reminded of Mom's love of the outdoors and how much she taught us about flowers, and birds, and nature. Still, after almost six years and I'm doing something and think, "I need to ask Mom..." and get rudely shaken back into the reality that I can no longer pick up the phone or walk next door for her experience and/or advice....she was wary of giving advice, but would tell you what she thought was "right".

What did I learn from my mother - so much, and I'm still learning how much I learned - it's like little Mom gifts when those insights and realizations happen. My mother was more comfortable in her own skin than anyone I have ever known - and that is something I aspire to, and work on every day - to know who I am, what I am at this moment, and know I may still grow, if I take the opportunity.

So, March 10 will always have more meaning than most other days - it is my Mom's day.

Happy Birthday Mom - we love you and miss you.