It does feel a lot like Christmas....snow on the ground, a nip in the air, lights in the bushes, garland around the front door, wreaths up.....how can it be, Christmas????
Let's make it official, I'm sick of being sick - enough already!!!! You know me, always up for a good challenge, but this, this is almost more than I can bear some days........
It's hard to believe, two years ago today, Sara Hope was born, she is an amazing little girl - beautiful, smart, loving - you can't be around her for two seconds and NOT believe that there IS a loving God!!!
My first Christmas as an 'orphan' - I'm determined to make it a joyful holiday season for my family, for Sara and the triplets....and my brother and sister. We have all been through so much the last 4-5 years, with our parents' failing health. I'm finding it very hard to be joyful....but, Mom and Dad would have it no other way.
YIPES, Elmopaloosa is going to throw up all over my house tomorrow....Sara's official birthday party is going to be here, and it's ALL about Elmo....seeing red will have whole new meaning!!!
Spent most of a week in Texas with all 'my girls' and my favorite son-in-law. When you have an 8, 4, and 2 year old in the house it gives all new meaning to the word 'busy'. Vance would be/is so proud of Tabitha and her family - I know that I am.

I love my new almost finished redecorated living room - it feels so much like 'home' to me, comfortable, intimate, cozy - it feels like me, and I love that......
It is that holly jolly time of year......