Thursday, September 06, 2007

Picture this....

Yesterday afternoon I arrive on the scene next door at Amy's house and am greeted from the top of the stairs by the cutest 21 month old ever and her sister, Amy - with these words " the professional is here - we'll ask her"!!! I later learned this was a slightly better greeting than my brother-in-law received when he got home...."Rob, we have a situation....".

Seems Amy got home from the grocery - parked Sara in the living room, gates in place, and her toys in play. Amy was a bout 15-20 minutes putting stuff away, went into the LR, armed with the ever popular Rice Krispy Treat - Sara in her ever so polite way said "phease"....and received a piece of the treat. Then Sara walked over to a clothes basket sitting in the middle of the floor (that toys are typically put in) and said "yucky"....about 45 seconds later she said "yucky" which point Amy took notice.

Weeellll......upon inspection, seems that there was a dead mouse in the basket....they have four cats and live in an old house....the good news, the cats are doing their 'job', the bad news is they feel so obligated to deposit their prey in the middle of the living space...they are so proud!!!

So - how did the mouse get into the basket - Sara or cats??? How much up close and personal inspection did Sara do??? How up close and personal did it get????

Amy asked me "what should we do?" Well....I'm thinkin' - CALL THE PEDIATRICIAN. Children vs. dead mice are way outta my comfort level, if you know what I mean!!!!

When the pediatrician called back, Amy was given the 'all clear'!!!

My one sage piece of advice for my sister...put the pediatrician on speed dial!!

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