Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Big Toes, Kitties...and, life

I just gotta laugh - really being frustrated and/or annoyed just doesn't do any good, so laughing, it is my best option!!!

Waking up the morning was yet another adventure in living!!! There I am, all cuddled into my nice 600 thread count sheets, under my nice warm down comforter, snoozing peacefully....when, all of a sudden there is this odd yet certain sensation - someone is pulling a my big toe!!! I think what initially startled me was the fact that the pulling of the big toe was a 'prank' my father enjoyed pulling, which was closely followed by a booming "rise and shine"....Dad was so the morning person - for those of us who like a few minutes to cozy up to a new day, and if at all possible ingest some coffee as soon as possible - this awakening by Dad could be a rude one!!!! But this morning, my toe tug was closely followed by "ANCEE....oh ANCEE....you wake?!?!?!?!". Now, I wanted to say - 'I am now'....but really, what effect will this have on a two year old?!?!?!? And again, being awakened by that sweet voice isn't all bad - really, it's kind of nice.....but, if she could push up her alarm time a little, Aunt Pants wouldn't mind at all!!!!

So, being the self respecting person I am, I went to retrieve a cuppa joe....to be greeted by my all too perky sister (and trust me, she doesn't wake up that way!) telling me that the coffee, well, she didn't check it, and it was left over from yesterday. Ahhh....foiled again. So, I set about cleaning up the the kitchen sink sufficiently to satisfy me - I have this thing about stuff in the kitchen sink - and making a pot 'o coffee. So, I set about getting ready for the day and then went and got some coffee.

Like most people these days I started to sit down and check my e-mail; but, then remembered I hadn't made my bed yet - so I returned to the boudoir to make the bed. I grab the edge of the quilt and am met by a troubling sensation....wetness. ARGH............... Now, I know yesterday I detailed the human move in....but did I mention four cats are part of the deal....I didn't think so. Well, Pete, my sister's original cat, has a history of making his feelings known about situations he's not all together happy with...he expresses those feelings by depositing his various types of excrement in quite inappropriate places. Yesterday the deposit was on my 2 year old nieces' bed - today - it was me....ah....just frickin', frackin' perfect!!!! Pete, he's mad at the wrong person - I'm here to be his friend, doesn't he understand that....I know, he's a cat - he's an animal!!!! Ahhhhh................

Now, I know, you've got to be thinking - enough already.....well, not so!!!! Before putting the two year old down for a nap I gather up her peed upon down comforter to take to the dry cleaners, not five minutes from the house. Well, I get there and start walking though the door and TRIP over the threshold - in all my glory, and go sprawling headlong into the store, being pulled out of my flip flops, my handful of keys going one way, and the peed on comforter protecting me from smacking my face and probably smashing my glasses....the expensive pair!!!! The girl behind the counter peers over and says..."are you alright?" - ARE YOU KIDDING ME - of course I answered, "I'm fine", after all, I do have some pride! Tomorrow I should have some award winning bruises!

So it goes....just another day in the life of your average middle aged woman!

1 comment:

Ket said...

Perky? I wouldn't say I was "perky..." I was just trying to head off your implosion when you found out there wasn't any fresh coffee. For the sake of my child, you know.