Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Hmmmm's been a long time since I've visited here, let alone post.

Lots of time has past, too much to even try and recount. I'm inspired to come back by a friend of mine. At church, during this stewardship season, we are challenged to mindfully be engaged in "28 days of giving", based on a book with the same or similar name. My friend passed along that he was accepting a challenge of 28 days of "truth" - don't get worried this is about self truth, not about rants and raves. Now, all I need to do is try and figure out how to cut and paste the list of each day, which I'm finding tricky!

So, as we enter the season of Thanksgiving, Advent, Christmas, and New Years I'm accepting the challenge - 3o Days of Truth. We'll see what happens, how reflective I can be!

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